Rhaphidophora Lobbii

Are you looking for a unique and low-maintenance plant to add to your collection? Look no further than rhaphidophora lobbii.

Pain Points

As indoor gardening gains popularity, many people struggle with finding plants that can thrive in low-light conditions with infrequent watering. Additionally, keeping plants out of reach of curious pets or small children can also be a challenge. Rhaphidophora lobbii addresses both of these pain points as it can tolerate low-light conditions and is toxic to pets if ingested.

Target of Rhaphidophora lobbii

Rhaphidophora lobbii, also known as mini monstera or philodendron piccolo, is a climbing plant native to Southeast Asia. It belongs to the Araceae family, which includes more well-known plants such as peace lilies and pothos. Rhaphidophora lobbii has distinctive, round leaves that have earned it the monstera nickname, but unlike the larger and more difficult to care for Monstera deliciosa, rhaphidophora lobbii is small and easy to care for.

Summary of Main Points

Rhaphidophora lobbii is a low-maintenance, pet-safe plant that is well-suited for low-light environments. Despite its small size, it is a climber with distinct, round leaves that resemble the larger Monstera deliciosa.

Personal Experience with Rhaphidophora lobbii

As someone who lives in a small apartment with limited natural light, I was thrilled to find rhaphidophora lobbii. It fits perfectly on my desk and has been thriving with minimal care. I appreciate that it adds a touch of greenery to my space while also being safe for my curious cat.

Rhaphidophora lobbii plant

Caring for Rhaphidophora lobbii

When it comes to caring for rhaphidophora lobbii, less is often more. It should be planted in well-draining soil and should not be overwatered as it is sensitive to root rot. Rhaphidophora lobbii should be kept out of direct sunlight, but still requires some light to grow properly. Adding a trellis or moss pole can encourage climbing and help support the plant.

Rhaphidophora lobbii plant in a pot

Climbing Habits

While rhaphidophora lobbii is small in size, it is a climber and will appreciate a structure to climb on. Adding a trellis or moss pole can help support the growing plant and encourage its climbing habit. For best results, trim the plant occasionally to promote new growth and to prevent it from becoming too spindly.


Rhaphidophora lobbii can be propagated through stem cuttings in water or by using sphagnum moss. It is important to make sure the cutting has at least one node for successful propagation.

FAQs about Rhaphidophora lobbii

Q: Is rhaphidophora lobbii a low-maintenance plant?

A: Yes! Rhaphidophora lobbii is a low-maintenance plant that is well-suited for indoor environments.

Q: Is rhaphidophora lobbii safe for pets?

A: Yes, rhaphidophora lobbii is non-toxic to pets.

Q: How much light does rhaphidophora lobbii need?

A: Rhaphidophora lobbii can tolerate low-light conditions, but still requires some light to grow properly.

Q: How can I help my rhaphidophora lobbii climb?

A: Adding a trellis or moss pole can help support the growing plant and encourage its climbing habit.

Conclusion of Rhaphidophora lobbii

Rhaphidophora lobbii is a unique and low-maintenance addition to any indoor plant collection. With its distinctive round leaves and climbing habit, it is sure to add a touch of greenery to any space. Its ability to tolerate low-light conditions and toxicity to pets make it the perfect choice for any plant parent looking for a hassle-free plant that is safe for their furry friends.


Rhaphidophora Hayi - Tropics @Home

Rhaphidophora hayi - Tropics @Home
Photo Credit by: bing.com / rhaphidophora hayi aroids plants tropicsathome

Rhaphidophora Lobbii

Rhaphidophora lobbii
Photo Credit by: bing.com / montet scherberich botanique rhaphidophora

Rhaphidophora Korthalsii Schott | Plants Of The World Online | Kew Science

Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
Photo Credit by: bing.com / rhaphidophora schott

Rhaphidophora Lobbii Schott | Plants Of The World Online | Kew Science

Rhaphidophora lobbii Schott | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Rhaphidophora Korthalsii - Tropics @Home

Rhaphidophora korthalsii - Tropics @Home
Photo Credit by: bing.com / rhaphidophora tropicsathome